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Smt. Kanak Vishnoi Memorial Chess Championship 2025 (U-07,U-09,U-11)Girls

Վերջին արդիացում15.01.2025 03:50:37, Creator: Satendra Chess,Last Upload: Harish Rastogi

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Aaradhya, DixitIND0Afgji
2Hridiya, SinghIND0Sri Ram Education Centre,Panki, Kan
3Jaldhija, RathoreIND0Aps Kanpur
4Manasvi, SrivastavaIND0Up Kirana Seva Samiti Balika Vidyal
5Myra, Gupta537047450IND0Sheiling House School
6Shanvi, Sharma48719609IND0Allen House Public School Panki