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Mongolian National Chess Team 2025 QS Women

Last update 19.01.2025 07:15:42, Creator/Last Upload: Mongolian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7WFMAmin-Erdene, Bayanmunkh4903161MGL2341
9IMMunguntuul, Batkhuyag4900758MGL2331
6WGMMunkhzul, Turmunkh4901878MGL2301
2WCMMungunzul, Bat-Erdene4902831MGL2268
5WCMBayasgalan, Khishigbaatar4904311MGL2265
10WFMKhuslen, Erdenebayar4910532MGL2201
1WGMUuriintuya, Uurtsaikh4900227MGL2187
3WFMEnkhrii, Enkh-Amgalan4907272MGL2185
8WGMEnkhtuul, Altan-Ulzii4901444MGL2163
4FMUlziikhishigjargal, Ochirkhuyag4903188MGL2019