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24to. IRT Rapido CETD Nueva Esparta Guaiqueries de Margarita Grupo Tarde CIRCUITO IRT ASOAJEDRENE 2025

Last update 30.01.2025 02:11:03, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

Starting rank list of players

6Reyes Hernandez, Jose Luis23902671VEN1666
1Luzardo Lopez, Aranza Victoria3956733VEN1630w
2Gonzalez Eurresta, Jose David3967379VEN1613
3Gonzalez Eurresta, Diego Alejandro3977277VEN1580
5Ordaz Diaz, Lourdes Sarahi3950697VEN1523w
7Marcano Rodriguez, Zara Mailen23902272VEN1467w
4Vargas Brito, Sophia Luimar23910720VEN1429w