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24to. IRT Rapido CETD Nueva Esparta Guaiqueries de Margarita Grupo Mañana CIRCUITO IRT ASOAJEDRENE 2025

Last update 30.01.2025 02:11:15, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

Starting rank list of players

8Perez Marcano, Miguel Andres3958400VEN1756
1Marin Murguey, Santiago Andres3955583VEN1716
2Rodriguez Gomez, Alfonso David3964485VEN1624
4Farias Gonzalez, Williams Eduardo3967727VEN1543
5Brito Ramirez, Enghel Gabriel3994279VEN1537
6Reyes Rodriguez, Jender Orland3988821VEN1490
7Montufar Lopez, Fernando David23902639VEN1435
3Lopez Marcano, Jade Delvalle23902256VEN1432w