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[KCE18] 2nd Ultimate Chess Master 2025 Classical (Fide Rated U2200)Posledná aktualizácia 23.01.2025 08:10:53, Creator/Last Upload: Kelab Catur Elite 18
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | FM | Villanueva, Nelson | 5204127 | PHI | 2028 |
2 | WFM | Mohd Afif, Ainul Mardhiah | 35824719 | MAS | 1958 |
3 | | Chay, Joon Hoong | 5792231 | MAS | 1817 |
4 | | Mohd Afif, Muhd Danish Arif | 35824727 | MAS | 1674 |
5 | | Mohd Afif, Abdur Rahman | 35824808 | MAS | 1663 |
6 | | Aminuddin, Muhd Faris | 5705711 | MAS | 1654 |
7 | | Mohd Afif, Aishah | 35824816 | MAS | 1509 |
8 | | Koh, Ryu E Louis | 35840560 | MAS | 0 |
9 | | Rajesh, Kanna C | 33339252 | IND | 0 |