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Torneo Tradicional Feria de Rincon de Rincon de Romos 2025 Categoria LibreՎերջին արդիացում13.01.2025 05:26:31, Creator/Last Upload: AN Ricardo López Garcia (MEX)5110637 Ags
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Lopez Raygoza, Luis Alberto CM | | MEX | 2243 |
2 | | Gongora Montes, Benjamin IM | | MEX | 2110 |
3 | | Macias MArtinez, Gilberto Xallo | | MEX | 2046 |
4 | | Calixto Perea, Sebastian Alonso | | MEX | 2025 |
5 | | Martinez Contreras, David | | MEX | 1946 |
6 | | Pinales Mejia, Jose Angel | | MEX | 1908 |
7 | | Camarillo Perez, Hector Daniel | | MEX | 1900 |
8 | | Gomez Cuevas, Jose Francisco | | MEX | 1871 |
9 | | Santiago Chavez, Habid Pablo de Jesus | | MEX | 1861 |
10 | | Gonzalez Rodriguez, Alan Jared | | MEX | 1780 |
11 | | Narvaez Romero, Jorge | | MEX | 1780 |
12 | | Facio Palos, Omar | | MEX | 1770 |
13 | | Facio Palos, Carlos Daniel | | MEX | 1720 |
14 | | Rosales Paredes, Miguel Angel | | MEX | 1693 |
15 | | Tapia Ruelas, Eduardo | | MEX | 1690 |
16 | | Chia Perez, Adrian | | MEX | 1640 |
17 | | Castañeda Ortiz, Fabian | | MEX | 1612 |
18 | | Eguren Diaz, Eduardo | | MEX | 1610 |
19 | | Trinidad Trinidad, Francisco Javier | | MEX | 1591 |
20 | | Moreno Casas, Gilberto | | MEX | 1580 |
21 | | Santillan Loera, Javier | | MEX | 1520 |
22 | | Nuñez Najera, Leonel | | MEX | 1470 |
23 | | Velasco Murillo, Oscar Alonso | | MEX | 1456 |
24 | | Castorena MErcado, Jose | | MEX | 1400 |
25 | | Aguilera Valadez, Gerardo | | MEX | 0 |
26 | | Davila Bernal, Raul | | MEX | 0 |
27 | | De Santiago Garcia, Alfredo | | MEX | 0 |
28 | | Flores Garcia, Alexis | | MEX | 0 |
29 | | Gonzalez Gonzalez, Jose Manuel | | MEX | 0 |
30 | | Luevano Mota, Juan Pablo | | MEX | 0 |
31 | | Ponce Saenz, Jorge Alberto | | MEX | 0 |
32 | | Reyes Hernandez, Juan Diego | | MEX | 0 |
33 | | Roque Castillo, Osvaldo Benjamin | | MEX | 0 |
34 | | Ruvalcaba Correa, Alexander | | MEX | 0 |
35 | | Ruvalcaba Guerra, Carlos | | MEX | 0 |
36 | | Salas Romero, Jose Roberto | | MEX | 0 |
37 | | Sanchez Juarez, Carlo | | MEX | 0 |