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Rating igual o menor a 1750Torneo de Afiliacion 2025 Coyoacan Aficionados Վերջին արդիացում12.01.2025 22:06:26, Creator/Last Upload: Trigo1963
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Valle, Perez Julio Cesar | 5149568 | MEX | 1700 | |
2 | | Calo Dizy, Fabio Giuseppe | 29621291 | MEX | 1662 | |
3 | | Javier Contreras, Alejandro | 5186960 | MEX | 1658 | |
4 | | Perez, Garcia Jose Alberto | | MEX | 1651 | |
5 | | Salcedo Ayala, Rodrigo Andres | 29626463 | MEX | 1650 | |
6 | | Fonseca Garcia, Juan Carlos | 5145589 | MEX | 1642 | |
7 | | Gaona, Hernandez Arturo Emmanuel | | MEX | 1637 | Hidalgo |
8 | | Hernandez, Lora Arturo | | MEX | 1624 | Hidalgo |
9 | | Lopez Coldivar, Victor Samuel | 5139643 | MEX | 1609 | |
10 | | Hernandez Segundo, Dafne Ximena | 29603021 | MEX | 1597 | |
11 | | Arizmendi, Garza Mahonri Javier | 29616310 | MEX | 1579 | |
12 | | Arias Diaz, Marco Antonio | 29624088 | MEX | 1563 | |
13 | | Goche Pacheco, Rodrigo | 5186838 | MEX | 1557 | |
14 | | Palma, Garcia Estefania Yamile | 5156947 | MEX | 1504 | |
15 | | Sanchez, Mendoza Javier | | MEX | 1433 | UNAM |