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Torneo de Afiliacion 2025 Coyoacan Avanzados Վերջին արդիացում12.01.2025 23:06:14, Creator/Last Upload: Trigo1963
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Benitez Lozano, Javier | 5102472 | MEX | 2269 |
2 | CM | Gonzalez Zharikov, Andrey | 5145287 | MEX | 2058 |
3 | | Hidalgo Rios, Manuel | 5103550 | MEX | 1954 |
4 | | Zarate Manjarrez, Alfredo | 5101301 | MEX | 1923 |
5 | AFM | Velasco Juan, Manuel | 29689791 | MEX | 1897 |
6 | | Panfilo Neria, Daniel Isaac | 5195063 | MEX | 1842 |
7 | | Garcia Corona, Rommel Fernando | 29622140 | MEX | 1837 |
8 | | Benitez Diaz, Francisco Javier | 5103533 | MEX | 1832 |
9 | | Brown Cesar, Javier | 5193672 | MEX | 1816 |
10 | | Garcia Hernandez, Rebeca | 5180872 | MEX | 1812 |
11 | | Montoya Alcantara, Rusbel Isai | 5143977 | MEX | 1662 |
12 | | Fonseca Garcia, Juan Carlos | 5145589 | MEX | 1642 |
13 | | Rodriguez Salinas, Argenis | 5195110 | MEX | 1525 |