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Torneo Clásico de Afiliación VII Guillermo Haro 2025 Grupo A Posledná aktualizácia 20.01.2025 00:03:09, Creator/Last Upload: FernandoSalazarJ
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
4 | | | Quiroz Frias, Alvaro | 5180821 | MEX | 1949 |
3 | | | Herrera Catano, Andre | 29608953 | MEX | 1903 |
5 | | | Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi | 29603072 | MEX | 1882 |
1 | | | Salazar Moreno, Rafael | 5102596 | MEX | 1867 |
2 | | AFM | Lagunes Mendez, Cristian Jeron | 29608562 | MEX | 1819 |
6 | | | De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A | 5140960 | MEX | 1786 |