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Inscripciones abiertas al 55878533351er Torneo Blitz Afiliación Guillermo Haro Posledná aktualizácia 12.01.2025 01:08:53, Creator/Last Upload: FernandoSalazarJ
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | CM | Turincio Garcia, Sergio | 5110041 | MEX | 2183 |
2 | | | Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi | 29603072 | MEX | 1954 |
3 | | FM | Martinez Flores, Matias | 5174309 | MEX | 1903 |
4 | | | Salazar Moreno, Rafael | 5102596 | MEX | 1887 |
5 | | AFM | Lagunes Mendez, Cristian Jeron | 29608562 | MEX | 1800 |
6 | | | Castillo Vallejo, Kimberly | 29628954 | MEX | 1790 |
7 | | AFM | Navarro Jimenez, Azael | 29608970 | MEX | 1745 |
8 | | | Herrera Catano, Andre | 29608953 | MEX | 1738 |
9 | | | Quiroz Frias, Alvaro | 5180821 | MEX | 1725 |
10 | | AFM | Cruz Corona, Carlos Roberto | 5198453 | MEX | 1581 |
11 | | | Cedillo Islas, Aldrich | 29632307 | MEX | 1481 |
12 | | | Vasquez Rojas, Luis Alberto | 29639859 | MEX | 0 |