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Malvern College Hong Kong Open 2025 (February 23rd) Dr. R. Lister Cup

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.02.2025 19:53:37, Creator/Last Upload: MUÑIZ PARDIÑO, Alberto

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Lista startowa

1Aidan Cheuk Hei HoU12Malvern College Hong Kong
2Aidan YeoU12Singapore International School
3Aiden Chi Ho ChanU12Quarry Bay School
4Alec HoU18Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
5Alex LiuU10Shatin Junior School
6Alexander LiuU10Shatin Junior School
7Alexandre Huet-SakaiU8Po On
8Alto BrandonU12St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
9Alwyn LiuU18Shatin College
10Alyssa LamwU18Australian International School Hon
11An Di LoU12Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kinde
12Anderson FokU8Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten
13Andrew Lee StanicaU10Kennedy School
14Andrew LiuU10Singapore International School
15Andy DawrantU18Discovery College
16Anlan XuU18Renaissance College Hong Kong
17Anson Chun Kit ChingU8Shatin Junior School
18Arabella MaurerwU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
19Aris ChuU12Malvern College Hong Kong
20Ashton FuU10Beacon Hill School
21ASTON ZHENU8Hong Kong International School
22Athan Hui Cheuk YuU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
23Austin TsuiU18Shatin College
24Benson LiuU10Shatin Junior School
25Binghan JinU10Chinese International School
26Bowman Man Tin YuenU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
27BOYU CHENU8Hong Kong International School
28Bruce QinU12Chinese International School
29CAI ZIAN LUKEU10Hong Kong International School
30Caleb ChangU18St. Stephen's College
31Cameron CheungU12Chinese International School
32Candice LauwU10Malvern College Hong Kong
33Carlton HongU10Christian alliance international sc
34Catherine Hoi Ying LeewU8Chinese International School
35Ceres Sun ShiU8Shatin Junior School
36Chan CharlesU12Chinese International School
37Chan JustusU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
38Chan Lang Tian ThaddeusU12Renaissance College
39Chang HansU10Beacon Hill school
40Charles Chengyu LuU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
41Charles WuU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
42Charlie LiuU8Hong Kong International School
43Charlotte MaurerwU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
44Chason ChouU12West Island School
45Chau Brandon Chak MingU10The ISF Academy
46Chau Nathan Chak HeiU8The ISF Academy
47CHENHUA DONGU18St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
48Cheuk Kan Lincoln FuU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
49Cheung Hui LokU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
50Cheung LeoU10Chinese International School
51Ching Kiu LawU10Christian Alliance International Sc
52Ching Wai Marcus TseU12Malvern college Hong Kong
53Ching Yin LawU12Christian Alliance International Sc
54Chiu AbigailwU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
55Chloe Qin SunwU10Malvern College Hong Kong
56Chloe ZhangwU8Malvern College Hong Kong
57Christian Jingyun LuU12Harrow International School Hong Ko
58Christopher YeohU18The ISF Academy
59Chun Kit Jack YuenU10Creative Primary School
60Chun Ting YiuU10Kowloon Junior School
61Chun Tung Morris WongU10Malvern College Hong Kong
62Chun Yin (Jayden) LukU12Malvern College Hong Kong
63Cin Wai Isabella LiuwU8The ISF Academy
64Claire OLERONwU8Chinese International School
65Claire SunwU10Malvern College Hong Kong
66Claire Ye-Tian RenwU10Shatin Junior School
67Clayton Hunter LauU10Bradbury School
68Curtis NgU8Christian Alliance International Sc
69Damien MaU10Malvern College Hong Kong
70Daniel Wang Chung KitU10YCIS
71Daniel Wang Chung KitU10YCIS
72Daniel WongU18Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
73Darran LaohaphanU12
74Declan ChanU10Harrow International School Hong Ko
75Declan YeoU12Singapore International School
76Ding Chi Jayden ChongU12Malvern College Hong Kong
77Dominic KooU8Malvern College Hong Kong
78DUO DIMITRI XUU10Hong Kong International School
79Edward ShiU12Beacon Hill School
80Ee Jinn GanU12West Island School
81Ee Zen GanU10Kennedy School
82Elena PengwU10Clearwater Bay School
83Eli LittU18Chinese International School
84Ellie Yi Chan LiuwU12Chinese International School
85Ernest LiuU10Beacon Hill School
86Eron WongU18St. Stephen's College
87Ethan ChongU12Shatin College
88Ethan LamU12Shatin College
89Ethan LoU8Malvern College Hong Kong
90Ethan TsangU12Christian Alliance International Sc
91Ethan WongU10Harrow international School Hong Ko
92Ethan ZHONGU18Chinese International School
93Eton NgU18St. Stephen's College
94Evan WongU8Chinese International School
95Fung Tsz WaiU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
96Godwin LiU8Shatin Junior School
97Hang Chit Kurtis LeeU8Christian Alliance International Sc
98Hannibal KimU12The Harbour School
99Harriet SitU18West Island School
100Hayden WongU10Kennedy School
101HE Carson Yan ChakU10Chinese International School
102Ho TravisU10Shatin Junior School
103Ho Wai ChanU18Chinese International School
104Ho Yan LeungU18La Salle College
105Hoi Fung YuehU12Ying Wa Primary School
106Hoi Tsun OrU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
107Hoi Wang Isaac SayU12Bradbury School
108Hok Him TangU8St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
109Iggy CheungU10Beacon Hill School
110Iyer ArjunU12Hong Kong International School
111Jack WeiU18Harrow International School Hong Ko
112Jacob Jia-Wei SunU18Chinese International School
113Jacob ZhangU10Chinese international school
114Jake ChongU8Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School (
115Jarvis WongU12Christian Alliance International Sc
116Jason LiuU12Harrow international school hong ko
117Jax LeungU12Malvern College Hong Kong
118Jay ChukU12Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
119Jay TangU12Christian Alliance International Sc
120Jeffrey SunU12Canadian International School of Ho
121Jeremy WuU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
122Jeromy TangU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
123Jervis CHUU12Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
124Jessica LauwU10Malvern College Hong Kong
125Jessica Tianyi YanwU10Anfield School
126Ji IvanU18Discovery College
127Jimmy ChenU8Chinese International School
128Jonas LauU10Clearwater Bay School
129Jonathan Chak Sum YeungU18Harrow International School Hong Ko
130Jonathan HuangU10Kennedy School
131Joshua BiU12Beacon Hill School
132Joshua Chung Tin PanU18St. Stephen's College
133Joshua Haruki Ho Tin MakU8Malvern College Hong Kong
134Joshua WongU10Christian Alliance International Sc
135Jotham FuU12Beacon Hill School
136Juahn KimU10Kennedy school
137Justin PakU18St. Stephen's College
138Kaden Chun Tin YuenU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
139Kainos WongU18Christian Alliance International Sc
140Kavish PipaliyaU12King George V School
141Kenneth YangU8
142KEVIN YUU18St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
143Kin Hang Terence ChakU10La Salle Primary School
144KING CHEE AOU8Hong Kong University Graduates Asso
145kong yan wing nataliewU10Malvern College Hong Kong
146Kyle ChuiU18Hong Kong International School
147Kyle HuiU10Christian Alliance International Sc
148Lam OliviawU8Shatin Junior School
149Lau ClementU10The ISF Academy
150Lee Chung Tin WayneU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
151Lee Jun YuanU10Beacon Hill School
152Lee Siu ChingU10Harrow International School Hong Ko
153Leung Kwan Yat CalixU12Kowloon Junior School
154Li Tin Long FavianU12Harrow International School Hong Ko
155LIU WayneU10Beacon Hill School
156Logan ChenU8Chinese International School
157LOK CHEE AOU12Hong Kong University Graduates Asso
158Long Hei Brayden TsuiU12Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
159Loo Wai Ning IsaacU10Harrow International School Hong Ko
160Low HarrisonU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
161Lu BingyangU8Singapore International School
162Lu Christian JingyunU12Harrow International School Hong Ko
163Lucas ChuiU12German Swiss International
164Lucas FerendinoU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
165Lucas LEUNGU12Shatin College
166Lucas LiU10Harrow International School Hong Ko
167Lucas Ming Yuk HoU8Victoria Shanghai Academy
168Lukas LuiU12Beacon Hill School
169Luke LawU10Glenealy School
170Lundberg JonathanU10International College Hong Kong
171Lyndon HungU10Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
172Maeva OLERONwU10Chinese International School
173Man AmeliawU10Malvern College Hong Kong
174Marco Da SilvaU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
175Marcus LauU10Hong Kong International School
176Marcus LukU12Singapore International School
177Mason LawrenceU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
178Mason YuU10The ISF Academy
179Matteo KwanU10Chinese International School
180Max JinU10Clearwater Bay School
181Max VoongU8Beacon Hill School
182Maximus PangU18The ISF Academy
183Memphis WongU18Hong Kong International School
184Micah LinU8Chinese International School
185Michael Chi Long ChowU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
186Michael Hoi Fung LeeU8Chinese International School
187Morris Yui Bok LaiU12Shatin Junior school
188Muchen WangU8Shatin Junior School
189Munish TuliU18Malvern College Hong Kong
190Nathan ChanU10Kennedy School
191Nathanael Lik Shun ChanU8St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
192Nathaniel Sheung Him WongU18Hong Kong International School
193Ng Yuen Kei JadeU12Beacon Hill School
194Ngai Chiu Micah LeungU12King George V School
195Nicholas LiU10The ISF Academy
196Nicholas PoonU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
197Nicolo LauU18Tai Kwon Hilary College
198Oliver CaiU12Chinese International School
199Oliver ChanU12Kennedy School
200Oliver CheungU10Chinese International School
201Ollie LaiU10Beacon Hill School
202Or LincolnU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
203Pak Sun Alson TsangU8St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
204Pak Yuet Alston ChanU8St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
205Paxton TsuiU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
206Philip SonU8Kellett School
207Pimnara LaohaphanwU18
208Qiu TianU10Harrow International School Hong Ko
209Ramey ChanU12Christian Alliance International Sc
210Raphael Cheung Wan YinU10St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
211Richard LiU8Hong Kong International School
212Riley LaiwU10Beacon Hill School
213Roldan WongU12G.T. (Ellen Yeung) college
214Ryan YipU12Malvern College Hong Kong
215Sacha AgyemanU18German Swiss International
216Sallie KingwU8Chinese International School
217Samson YangU12Malvern College Hong Kong
218Samson YangU12Malvern College Hong Kong
219Sasha ChanwU10Chinese International School
220Satoru KiharaU10Malvern College Hong Kong
221Sean LukU10La Salle Primary School
222Sean YeungU12
223Shanaya PrasadwU12
224shayne mengU8Discovery College
225Sheng Jun Issac OhU18Singapore International School
226Shing Chun HoU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
227Shreenidhi BalajiwU12Discovery Bay International School
228Shun Hei Isaac LiU10Malvern College Hong Kong
229SIHAN LIU8Chinese International School
230Silas ChiuU12Chinese International School
231Sin Ming ZhangwU10Malvern College Hong Kong
232Skylar KumarU8Harrow International School Hong Ko
233Sonia PengwU10Clearwater Bay School
234Sum TamU12St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
235Sun VivianwU12Beacon Hill School
236Sze Chai Bryan FungU12Christian Alliance International Sc
237Sze Hon WongU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
238Tamora ChanwU18Malvern College Hong Kong
239TEJAS ARAVINDU10Discovery College
240Theodore ChungU10Malvern College Hong Kong
241Theodore LiuU8Malvern College Hong Kong
242Tianzhe Matias YanU12Chinese International School
243Tin Chun Ernest YungU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
244Tin Lok LeeU12Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
245Tin Long LeeU18Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
246Tin Yat David LiuU12Beacon Hill School
247Tin Yu Aden NgU18St. Stephen’s College Preparatory S
248To Sang MakU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
249Tong ZacharyU12Kennedy School
250Tong ZayneU8Kennedy School
251Tony HuangU18
252Tony ZhouU18International college hong kong
253Trajan GaiU10Malvern College Hong Kong
254Tse EthanU18保良局顏保寶書院
255Tsz Hin Hinson LeeU12Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
256TSZ HON ANSON WONGU10Chinese International School
257Tsz Lok ChowU10Christian Alliance International Sc
258Tsz Man KwangU10Shatin Junior School
259Tsz Yiu LeeU8St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
260Twisha SrivastavaU12Beacon Hill School
261Tyler WangU10Chinese International School
262Tyson WONGU18Christian Alliance International Sc
263Vaughn StewienU10Malvern College Hong Kong
264Vihaan SharmaU12Malvern College Hong Kong
265VINCENT KWUN WA WUU18Malvern College Hong Kong
266Wang Yau Theo TangU10Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kinde
267Warren GaoU18Hong Kong University Graduate Assoc
268weihang BianU18yhkcc(港青基信书院)
269wen kashingU18Shatin College
270William SitU10Kennedy School
271Wing Tung MokU10Christian Alliance International Sc
272Winston Yuen Fung TsangU12Malvern College Hong Kong
273Wong PatrickU12Kennedy school
274Wun Kan WangU8Yew Chung International School
275Xavier NgU18Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
276Xavier ZhangU12Malvern College Hong Kong
277XIYUE WEIwU8Malvern College Hong Kong
278Yantao HuangU8Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary
279yanyu chenwU12HKA
280Yau Ning ChanU8Kowloon Junior School
281Yeuk Lam Gianna YuwU12
282Yeuk San ZHANU12Chinese International School
283Ying Wan PangU10Singapore International School
284Yu Tung LiU12Singapore International School (Hon
285Yuanjin Jake WangU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
286YUCHEN CHENU12Shatin College
287Yue Chun WongU10Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Assoc
288Yue Hei WongU10Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Assoc
289Yuen AriU12Harrow International School Hong Ko
290Yung Chai ShuU10St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary
291Yuxian Maximus ZhangU10Malvern College Hong Kong
292Yuyan HEU10Chinese International School
293zeming chenU10HKA
294Zhang Sin MingU10Malvern College Hong Kong
295Zhang Tsun Wai AdrianU12Harrow International School Hong Ko
296Zi Chun Michael WongU12Bradbury School
297Zijing Isaac NgU18American School Hong Kong
298Zion ChiuU18Chinese International School
299Ziwen HaU12Discovery Bay International School
300ZIZHOU LIUU10San Wui Commercial Society School
301元启 赵U8
302凌 梓睿U10
303刘 启恒U12弘立书院
304刘 嘉禾U10弘立书院
305刘 梓浩U12
306包 抱一U10深圳市南山区爱文学校
307周 承昊U10
308嘉丞 刘U10深圳爱文学校
309姚 彦辰U10
310富霖 胡U18北京丰台一小
311杨 沛涵wU8
312杨 立彬U8
313梦兮 黄U10丰台三小
314沙 皓轩U10
315熊 智渊U18
316王 和忠U10
317盐xi chenwU18HKA
318石 宸宇U10
319禾骏 刘U10深圳爱文学校
320许 家源U10
321许 睿恩wU8
322许 睿立U8
323许 裕源U12
324马 业骐U12
325马 烁宇U18
326魏 雨琛U12
327黄 泽宇U10