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Last update 11.01.2025 21:01:54, Creator/Last Upload: JEAN PIAGET CHESS CLUB

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Starting rank

1Pereira Berruz, Hernando3614310ECU1670
2Ramirez Otacoma, Darwin3639568ECU1443
3De Mora Medina, Juan Sebastian3643387ECU1405
4Anzules Lainez, Xavier Dalessandr3661679ECU0
5Cagua Delgado, Leonardo Julian3664295ECU0
6Cagua Delgado, Wagner Joaquin3664309ECU0
7Cevallos Jara, Elias AndresECU0
8Chacon Benites, Gregorio Emanuel3653544ECU0
9Chipe Guerrero, Borys Eduardo3663418ECU0
10Cordova Teran, Eliam SamuelECU0
11Corral De Loor, Carla JohannaECU0
12Cuesta Vera, Emilio Andre3664422ECU0
13Cuesta Vera, Gabriel Sebastian3664430ECU0
14Jarrin Mejia, Jarel Sebastian3639975ECU0
15Jarrin Mejia, Jeremy3658996ECU0
16Jimenez Castro, Paulo Alejandro3661040ECU0
17Moran Nicola, Sophie LucianaECU0
18Pesantes Ruiz, Ivan Emanuel3664872ECU0
19Ramirez Otacoma, Scarlett FiorellaECU0
20Rios Castro, Eduardo AlejandroECU0
21Romo Chipe, Johnny Eduardo3661822ECU0
22Suarez Teran, Ester Mishel3662004ECU0
23Tenelanda Veliz, Cesar Saul3656527ECU0
24Tumalie Guerrero, Franco PaoloECU0
25Veliz Ayala, Wilmer Andres3659259ECU0
26Vera Mora, Jorge Daniel3663477ECU0
27Yance Alvarez, Cristhian Joshua3655849ECU0
28Zambrano Armijos, Dostin Fabian3661857ECU0
29Zambrano Armijos, Dylan Isaias3661555ECU0
30Zambrano Bajana, Manuel AgustinECU0