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Luwingu Closed Chess Championship

Seinast dagført12.01.2025 12:35:05, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1Phiri, Gift8709378ZAM1941
2Mano, Innocent8723702ZAM1926
3Banda, Brian8704520ZAM1908
4Bwalya, ClementZAM0
5Chavula, ErnestZAM0
6Chipoya, GabrielZAM0
7Chishimba, BwalyaZAM0
8Chishimba, GiftZAM0
9Chuma, HagaiZAM0
10Kaimba, EmmanuelZAM0
11Mafuta, Joshua8723699ZAM0
12Mafuta, ProsperZAM0
13Mutale, FrancisZAM0
14Mutale, PatrickZAM0
15Mwaka, ShadreckZAM0
16Mwansa, JosephZAM0
17Mwansa, stephenZAM0
18Mwimba, PercidaZAM0
19Nkhoma, GabrielZAM0
20Shimulopwe, RabsonZAM0