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7th District Level Childrens Chess Tournament - 2024-2025
Boys top 10 cups, Girls Top 5 Cups
U07,U10,U13,U16 &U25

RVDCA - 7th District Level Childrens chess Tournament-2024-25 U13 - Anaicut Tk Chess Association - Yoga Chess Academy (contact-90436 18936)

Last update 23.01.2025 17:38:17, Creator/Last Upload: GO CHECKMATE

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Starting rank

1Abishek R,IND0Bmd jain
2Aishwarya Hamanth,IND0Shrishti vid
3Ganesh B,IND0Govt
4Hanshika RS,SGP0
5Janardhan R,IND0Spark
6Karuna J,IND0Pums
7Miedhun PRasanna P,IND0holy cross
9Rakshitha VS,SGP0Vivekananda
10Rubika A,IND0Pums
11Sailsarwin Hariharan,SGP0Sankara
12Siliya Sri,IND0KKS mani m
13Thanushree R,IND0BMD
14Vaishnavi G,SGP0St marrys
15Varun T,IND0MVM
16Venisree VS,IND0Vivekananda
17Yaaakshan L,IND0Holy cross
18Yugendhiran T,IND0government
19Zainab Fathima S,SGP0Govt