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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

7th District Level Childrens Chess Tournament - 2024-2025
Boys top 10 cups, Girls Top 5 Cups
U07,U10,U13,U16 &U25

RVDCA - 7th District Level Childrens chess Tournament-2024-25 U16 - Anaicut Tk Chess Association - Yoga Chess Academy (contact-90436 18936)

اخر تحديث23.01.2025 17:37:57, منشئ/آخر رفع: GO CHECKMATE

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييمنادي/مدينة
1Chandra kumar A,IND0Sri vivekananda
2Gowshik S,IND0govt
3Harahali S,IND0BMD
4Indumathi V,IND0MVM
5Kanishka P,IND0Holy cross
6Kishore S,IND0Govt
7Lokeshwaran C,IND0MVM
8Mohana priya S,IND0SDA
9Monishree S,IND0Govt
10Neha Shree T,IND0Comfort
11Oviya R,IND0Bmd Jain
12Ragul V,IND0Spark
13Rokesh P,IND0VBC
14Sai Kumar S,IND0PUMS
15Sutharshanan s.,IND0Govt