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Sri Lanka National Youth Chess Championships 2025 - Super 10 Under 14 Girls

Senast uppdaterad14.01.2025 13:00:09, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Lista över spelare

4Perera, B Yenuthi Sahanlee29950090SRI1725Sujatha Vidyalaya - Matara
6De Silva, B P Chanthuli Thanishka29965535SRI1708Anula Vidyalaya - Nugegoda
2ACMAkuratiya, A G Hansadie Aradhya9999949SRI1643Lyceum International School - Nugeg
9Munasinghe, M A D D D29964016SRI1626Sumedha Collage - Gampaha
8Sithumsa, H G Sasmi29953910SRI1541Lyceum International School - Nugeg
5Beminiwatte, A W Raveeja Arundi29973333SRI1483Devi Balika Vidyalaya - Colombo 08
7Hewapathirana, Meenu Vihansa29952204SRI1451Southlands College
1Wijethunga, H Methuli S29958580SRI1440Girls' High School - Kandy
3Patabendi, Vinudi Dahamsa Madduma29976898SRI1410Visakha Vidyalaya - Colombo 05