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Format: 9 rounds Blitz 3m+2s, FIDE rated
Date: Jan 19th (Sunday) 2pm - 5pm

Champion: $600 + Medal + Free entry to KCA Standard Open (Mar-Apr)
1st runner up: $500 + Medal
2nd runner up: $400 + Medal
U8, U10, U12 Champion: Framed Certificate + 25% off KCA class (Mar-Apr)

KCA Blitz Open 2025 (FIDE Rated) Jan 19th

Senast uppdaterad19.01.2025 08:55:26, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

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1CMKao, Jamison Edrich6007937HKG2059
2FMLam, Daniel King Wai6001238HKG2033
3Yu, Changhao331105454CHN1956
4FMHo, In Hei Henry6002552HKG1879
5Lee, Hong Shun6016570HKG1679
6Lee, Ka Po6011721HKG1602
7Chu, Kin Ho6002773HKG1601
8Lam, Cheuk Nam6011985HKG1554U10
9Cao, Ethan6008178HKG1531
10Minciullo, Luca28599888ITA1510
11Yip, Yan Tik6013082HKG1463
12Lau, Jonas Yee Shun6012116HKG1441U10
13Fong, Alex Chun Ming6018742HKG0
14Geng, Jiayi8647798CHN0
15Tong, Yee Chun6017010HKG0
16Yeoh, Christopher Hin Hong6008844HKG0