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CIS Chess Championship 2025 - Secondary

Senast uppdaterad15.01.2025 09:47:25, Creator/Last Upload: sydney_Activekids

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1Chiu, Zion6007465HKG19810Sec
2Liu, Ellie6012680HKG16200Sec
3Chen, Vincent6013430HKG15670Sec
4Yan, Tianzhe Matias6017703HKG15310Sec
5David, Jiang6017509HKG01543Sec
6Choy, Carson6013406HKG01403Sec
7Chan, NoahHKG00Sec
8Cheung, TrevorHKG00Sec
9Dong, San-FanHKG00Sec
10Hui, Zachary Chut HaHKG00Sec
11Laohaphan, PimnaraHKG00Sec
12Lee, Ka HangHKG00Sec
13Li, WilsonHKG00Sec
14Litt, EliHKG00Sec
15Lo, IsaacHKG00Sec
16Ma, IanHKG00Sec
17Qian, Yue HaiHKG00Sec
18Sun, JacobHKG00Sec
19Zhan, Sam6014810HKG00Sec
20Zhu, BryanHKG00Sec