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Torneio Suico Teste Aula 01

Last update 07.01.2025 01:41:52, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

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Starting rank

1Rafael, Duailibe Leitao2101246BRA2554SC
2Roberto, Junio Brito Molina2109450BRA2418SC
3Everaldo, Matsuura2100169BRA2384SC
4Luiz, Alexandre De Souza Gomes2102790BRA2269MG
5Lucas, Crespo De Oliveira2118025BRA2228MG
6Joaquim, De Deus Filho2105128BRA1942SP
7Danny, Ramirez DavalosBRA1850MS
8Evandro, Batista Cardoso2119951BRA1848MG
9Igor, Henrique Da Silva22701613BRA1788MG
10Christian, Botelho ResendeBRA0MG
11Diego, Maciel ResendeBRA0MG
12Frederico, Armond MarianoBRA0MG
13Roberto, Capel MolinaBRA0MG