Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Entry Closed

Tournament Reporting Time = 9 am
Starting Time = 10 am
Number of Rounds = 6 max.
Round 1= 10am
Round 2= 11am
Round 3= 12pm
Lunch break
Round 4= 1:30pm
Round 5= 2:30pm
Round 6 = 3:30pm

P.D.= 5 pm

11th Under 8 One day rapid chess tournament Org by Indore chess Gurukul

Senast uppdaterad19.01.2025 12:15:20, Creator/Last Upload: tulapurkaryash

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1Avik, Agrawal429010403IND1488U08
2Aarav Jain,IND0U08
3Aavya Neema,IND0wU07
4Abir Khandelwal,IND0U08
5Arjun Patel,IND0U07
6Hare Ram Gangele,IND0U08
7Nandini, Mangal537052551IND0wU08
8Nived, Goyal537049623IND0U08
9Ragita Khatri,IND0wU07
10Rudraksha Patel,IND0U08
11Rudransh, Bhaskar Katiyar537049658IND0U07
12Saatvik, Jain537026011IND0U07
13Sejarshree Choubey,IND0wU08
14Shlok Purohit,IND0U08
15Vaidik, Vaid537029975IND0U08
16Viyaan Assudani,IND0U07
17Yunay Jindal,IND0U08
18Yutika Gupta,IND0wU08