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Torneio de xadrez Blitz Comper Brilhante

Վերջին արդիացում04.01.2025 22:20:48, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Davalos, Danny Ramirez2174600BRA1913
2Fontoura, Alexandre Souza2112400BRA1909
3Duailibi, Ricardo Miguel2111489BRA1906
4Oshiro, Edson Hidenobu22714464BRA1886
5Da Silva, Eryco Augusto Pariz44743351BRA1841
6De Souza, Angelo Mendonca2173506BRA1840
7AFMAguilera, Pedro Porta22738010BRA1825
8Mendonca, Erico2184729BRA1771
9Yassuda, Mariana Mayum Shiguematsu22759549BRA1636
10Teixeira, Joao Pedro Uchoas44720440BRA1465
11Vilela, Vitor Gabriel Felix44780613BRA1875
12Leite, Eleilson de A. AzevedoBRA1807
13Teixeira, Dyonathan ValejoBRA1800
14Andretto, Matheus dos Reis44780486BRA1800
15Lima, Paulo RodriguesBRA1800
16Da Silva, Sophia Eduarda ParizBRA1800
17Dos Santos, Jose Almir da SilvaBRA1771