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Jugend LM OÖ 2025 Gruppe U16

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.02.2025 22:00:13, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Oberösterreich Eloreferat

Search for player Szukanie

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1Hajdu, Marton Abris791890HUN1901
2Brandlmaier, Felix1695134AUT1723
3Pumberger, Niklas1679651AUT1699
4Donets, Valeriy34145060AUT1585
5Preinstorfer, Sebastian1697285AUT1340
6Raber, Ulrich1669966AUT1325
7Khan, RihanAUT1300
8Lambert, AaronAUT1200
9Pumberger, Annika1681842AUT1200
10Hahn, SimonAUT0