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2025 HKS Open Chess Championships - Women Section

Seinast dagført05.01.2025 15:38:27, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1WCMBwalya Mulwale, Lubuuto8706964ZAM1958
2WFMMbatha, Constance8700591ZAM1813
3Mululu, Linah8706921ZAM1785
4WCMSimenda, Daisy8707960ZAM1766
5Mututubanya, Portiah8704120ZAM1754
6Kabamba, Mulwale Bwalya8706077ZAM1738
7Likando, Namakau8714029ZAM1738
8Mwale, Naomi8703299ZAM1734
9Kunda, Hope Mpundu8725195ZAM1719
10Kabaso, Consolatrice8711399ZAM1717
11Bwalya, Margret8727821ZAM1697
12Ndou, Tatenda11008806ZIM1655
13Chitula, Agatha8714630ZAM1630
14Chishimba, Gladys8723044ZAM1588
15Mary, Mashane8704317ZAM1535
16Namwai, Alinuswe V8726213ZAM1513
17Chinyimba, CatherineZAM0
18Mwansa, Karen8729905ZAM0
19Sichali, Atupele Atusaye8725071ZAM0
20Sichali, Kisa8725080ZAM0
21Simunungu, Evelyn8729913ZAM0
22Thonga, Winfridah8728089ZAM0