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United Bank of India 40th National Women Premier Chess Championship 2013

Darrera actualització05.09.2013 11:09:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: All India Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

4IMTania SachdevIND2430AI
11WGMGomes Mary AnnIND2418WB
9WGMPadmini RoutIND2332ODI
3WGMSoumya SwaminathanIND2318PSPB
6WGMKulkarni BhaktiIND2302Goa
10IMMohota NishaIND2293PSPB
7WGMKiran Manisha MohantyIND2272LIC
12WGMSwathi GhateIND2226LIC
8Pratyusha BoddaIND2159AP
2Michelle Catherina PIND2152TN
1WIMIvana Maria FurtadoIND2116Goa
5WFMMonnisha GkIND2056TN