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AICF Renewal Mandatory for the Year 2024-25

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United Warangal District Under-07 Open Chess Championship – 2025 TTD Kalyana mandapam near public garden hanamkonda cell 9963214108

Senast uppdaterad06.01.2025 11:07:16, Creator/Last Upload: kvvsarma

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1B Arush Nadhu ( FEMALE),IND0
2Bethamalla Mahish Gayathri ( FE,IND0
3Hanvika Ananthula,IND0
4M Veekshtha ( FEMALE),IND0
5P Chaitra Poornima,IND0
6S Yuvan,IND0
8T rishika ( FEMALE),IND0
9Vanjanuri Viipulansh,IND0
10Vanjanuri Viyansh,IND0