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Prize Worth - 60,000/- Total Tropies - 200 nos.
Category : 7,9,11,13,15 (Boys & Girls)
REGISTER ONLY THROUGH ONLINE ENTRY FORM (Link given below) _No WhatsApp Entries_
Gpay : Mrs. Subhasri D - 9087412133
TNSCA Player Registration Is Mandatory For The Year 2024-25

Trichy_KRAMNICK CHESS ACADEMY - 1st TN State Level Chess Tournament (02-02-2025)

Last update 22.01.2025 17:34:13, Creator/Last Upload: harisamp

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Starting rank

1Dharshan D0U1140481TRY2024TRY
2GurumithDran S0U0739854AIR2024AIR
3Hemasri L *0wU07TNSCATRY
4Magizhmithran SK *0U0712754TRY2023TRY
5Muruganandam V0U1144279AIR2025AIR
6Renganayaki D0wU0936190TRY2024TRY
7Sendura Venthan P0U1143727MDU2025MDU
8Sudharsan S0U1135198AIR2024AIR
9Sushrudan V0U0944729TRY2025 TRY
10Udhaya Venthan P0U0743730MDU2025MDU
11Vigneswaran L *0U07TNSCATRY
12Vishnujith K0U07426000TRY2024TRY
13Viswajith K0U0742601TRY2024TRY