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3rd Speed U-15

Last update 29.12.2024 08:25:56, Creator/Last Upload: suru7878

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Starting rank

1Aditya Sharma,IND0
2Akshat Tyagi,IND0
3Anshika Chadha,IND0
4Arjun Rathore,IND0
5Bhanu Jindal,IND0
6Dhaamik Baliyan,IND0
7Ehan Rizwan,IND0
8Harshit Gupta,IND0
9Sagaldeep Singh,IND0
10Sanidhya Kanwar,IND0
11Swastik Bharat,IND0
12Swastika Kumar,IND0
13ayaan Saifi,IND0