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District Bilaspur Senior Open Team Trials

Seinast dagført29.12.2024 12:48:27, Creator/Last Upload: HPSCA

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1Parkaschand, AcharyaIND1505Bilaspur
2Kshitij, GautamIND1410Ghumarwin
3Rigved, JamwalIND1404Jhanduta
4Jasbir, SinghIND1401Bilaspur
5Arvind, KumarIND1400Ghumarwin
7Vihan, ChandelIND1400Ghumarwin
8Archna, ThakurIND0Naina Devi
9Arshit, KashyapIND0Ghumarwin
10Narender, SinghIND0Jhanduta
11Nikunj, BhaboriaIND0Jhanduta
12Nishant, SharmaIND0Ghumarwin
13Pranav, VasuIND0Jhanduta
14Rudr, SharmaIND0Ghumarwin
15Sanchita, SharmaIND0Jhanduta
16Vanshika, ThakurIND0Jhanduta