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Last update 29.12.2024 08:25:39, Creator/Last Upload: suru7878

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Starting rank

1Aaliya Qureshi,IND0
2Abhishree Sharma,IND0
3Ariz Khan,IND0
4Avyaan Aggarwal,IND0
5Garvit Gupta,IND0
6HIba Khan,IND0
7Ilma Saifi,IND0
8Inayat Imtiaz,IND0
9Mantavya Kumar Sungh,IND0
10Mohd Zuhaib,IND0
11Pranvi Khanna,IND0
12Pratyush Gupta,IND0
13Rishit Kakar,IND0
14Ritika Kumar,IND0
15Shahbaz Qureshi,IND0
16Shreyan Garg,IND0
17Tanush Aggarwal,IND0
18Vivaan Rawat,IND0
19Priyansh Prashadh,IND0
20Aadvik Srivastava,IND0
21Sahir Singh,IND0