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Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulu Nagara Palaka Samsta Patasala, Krishna Lanka, Vijayawada.

Reporting Time ... 29th Dec 2024 .... Morning 8:30

1st Round .... 9AM

Please check your name, FIDE ID along with category (F - Girls, U- Boys) If any corrections please correct in APCHESS.ORG then share with us.

NTR **F16 Girls** AP STATE RANKING TOURNAMENT on 29/12/2024

Senast uppdaterad29.12.2024 07:51:47, Creator/Last Upload: kvvsarma

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1Sarvani, Cheedella25640917IND1714F16NTR
2Medicharla, Thanmayee88134148IND0F16Eluru
3Tejaswini, AluruIND0F16Eluru