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Amistoso Chapata Vive Cafe Վերջին արդիացում28.12.2024 03:22:32, Creator/Last Upload: fionadenise31
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | IM | Sanchez Enriquez, Oscar Gerardo | 5106311 | MEX | 2387 |
2 | | FM | Benitez Lozano, Javier | 5102472 | MEX | 2329 |
3 | | | Coronel Barron, Omar Fausto | 5102219 | MEX | 2100 |
4 | | | Zarate Manjarrez, Alfredo | 5101301 | MEX | 2036 |
5 | | | Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi | 29603072 | MEX | 1914 |
6 | | | Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac | 5145457 | MEX | 1887 |
7 | | | Gonzalez Anta, Daniel | 5110505 | MEX | 1869 |
8 | | | Cruz Ramirez, Angel Saul | 5154375 | MEX | 1863 |
9 | | | Hernandez Urbina, Martin | 5103851 | MEX | 1844 |
10 | | | Acuna Alvarado, Carlos | 5121450 | MEX | 1834 |
11 | | | Azpiroz, Villanueva Guillermo | 5137608 | MEX | 1772 |
12 | | | Flores Romero, Inti | 5121752 | MEX | 1753 |
13 | | | Gonzalez Martinez, Cristian Neftali | 5148880 | MEX | 1753 |
14 | | | Lara Maldonado, Erick Ivan | 29672791 | MEX | 1741 |
15 | | | Garcia Amaya, Antonio | 5191548 | MEX | 1716 |
16 | | | Lopez Coldivar, Victor Samuel | 5139643 | MEX | 1716 |
17 | | | Morales, Martinez Ricardo | | MEX | 1715 |
18 | | | Morquecho Garcia, Leonardo Alfons | 29620139 | MEX | 1700 |
19 | | | Saavedra Ramirez, Sergio Alfonso | 29620155 | MEX | 1622 |
20 | | | Bermudez Torres, Marco Antonio | 3857875 | MEX | 1612 |
21 | | | Gaytan Hernandez, Luis Enrique | 29680980 | MEX | 1522 |
22 | | | Contreras Lopez, Angel David | 5157390 | MEX | 0 |
23 | | | Cruz Perez, Oliver | | MEX | 0 |
24 | | | Ledezma Patino, Alejandra | | MEX | 0 |
25 | | | Macias Moto, Luis Fernando | | MEX | 0 |
26 | | | Perez Gavilan, Hector | | MEX | 0 |
27 | | | Sanchez Obregon, Cesar Eliud | | Mex | 0 |