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Goa University Men Team Selection 2024 Վերջին արդիացում27.12.2024 13:03:54, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Shirodkar Aayush | 46602330 | 1756 | | | Damodar College |
2 | | | Katkar Atharv | 25731025 | 1663 | | | GEC |
3 | | | Kunal B Bandolkar | 45045950 | 1520 | | | Goa University |
4 | | | Zishan Khan | 33495734 | 1483 | | | GEC |
5 | | | Vishal Redkar | 429054079 | 1482 | | | PG |
6 | | | Trazer Almeida | 25790544 | 1481 | | | Chowgules |
7 | | | Sutar Vinay | 25718169 | 1465 | | | DMC Mapusa |
8 | | | Gajanan Mahesh Marathe | 33346739 | 1416 | | | Zantye College |
9 | | | Laxman Paryekar | | 0 | | | Goa University |
10 | | | Mangesh Gaonkar | | 0 | | | Goa University |
11 | | | Sahim Shaikh | 25190903 | 0 | | | Zantye College |
12 | | | Truptesh Shirvoikar | | 0 | | | Vidhya Prabhodini |
13 | | | Vikas Naik | | 0 | | | Don Bosco Panaji |