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Contact For Tournament Aman Sahu 8989000651,8770377973,

Harisingh Gour university Chess Tournament Boys 2024-25

Վերջին արդիացում27.12.2024 12:50:59, Creator/Last Upload: Shubham Pareta Kings of 64 Chess Academy

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1HARISINGH, AHIRWAR531090176IND1703Sagar
2ANSHIT, LARIYA33340196IND1445Sagar
3Alok Athya,IND0Damoh
5Himashu Pathak,IND0Damoh
6Jayant Sansiya,IND0Sagar
8Priyanshu Patel,IND0Damoh
9Ritesh Patel,IND0Damoh
10Sachidanad Soni,IND0Sagar
11Sudhanshu Pandey,IND0Damoh
12Vidhan Urreti,IND0Damoh