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Motion Chess Academy, India's premium chess academy for kids, is excited to announce an online chess event during the winter vacation. **27th December to 3rd January** and is open to participants All India.

With 50+ expert coaches and over 1000 students worldwide, Motion Chess Academy provides worl

The Chess Master's Arena ( Tournament for coach only )

Ultima actualizare03.01.2025 15:57:57, Creator/Last Upload: Alok

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Nr.NumeleFide IDFEDRtg.
1Satyanshu Bajpai,IND1761
2Kanish Kumar,IND1721
3Alok Yadav,IND1684
4Amit Srivastava,IND1678
5Ashish Singh,IND1620
6Manish Pal,IND1619
8CP Mishra,IND1600
9Shan Tiwari,IND1450
10Ayush Kumar Yadav,IND0