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Limited 50 seats, on first come first serve basis.
Parents and Coaches are not allowed on the venue.
Refreshments will be provided to all Participants.

Bishop Lover Rapid Under 15 Chess Tournamnet on 26th January, 2025

Darrera actualització23.01.2025 13:03:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Vipin Singh

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Rànquing inicial

1Purvaansh, Badwal429027446IND1540U-15
2Arnav, Arya531032672IND1534
3Aryaveer, Jindal531022219IND1493
4Veer, Sogarwal*429030072IND1406U-12
6Aahana, Tak374096086IND0w
8Akshat, Singh NegiIND0U-12
9Akshit, MittalIND0
13Ehan, Rizwan374094920IND0
14Hanish, PothineniIND0
15Kushagra, Tiwari33499977IND0U-12
16Parth, MalkaniIND0U-12
17Pragyansh, Singh ChauhanIND0U-12
18Prathmesh, ThakurIND0U-12
19Samriddhi, NegiIND0w
20Shaarvil, PaulIND0U-12
21Sounak, SahaIND0U-12
22Sourish, KaushikIND0
23Vardaan, Singh531062385IND0U-12
24Vihaan, Mittal429010756IND0U-12