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Please note that the FIDE-rated tournament is scheduled for 25th December at 4 PM at SPS. To accommodate this, the timings for the CCA U-16 Rapid Chess Tournament will be adjusted to 10 AM to 2 PM. The CCA U-16 Rapid Chess Tournament will be held at Astha Academy, located just 1 km away from the FIDE-rated tournament venue.

5th CCA U-16 Rapid Chess Tournament 2024 on 25th Dec 2024

Darrera actualització25.12.2024 09:54:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Punit Basu

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Rànquing inicial

1Biswadeep DeyIND1604
2Pragyan PuzariIND1456
3Maharnav KalitaIND1445
4Dishan Uddipta BoraIND1423
5Shray AgarwalIND0
6Yash AgarwalIND0
7Gyan Arnab HaloiIND0
8Atharv BasisthaIND0
9Anureet BhattacharyaIND0
10Aayan BiswasIND0
11Rajita BiswasIND0
12Jishnu ChoudharyIND0
13Nilabh ChoudhuryIND0
14Aritrik DasIND0
15Deb DasIND0
16Supriyo DasIND0
17Maitreya DekaIND0
18Satvik DeyIND0
19Tanish DuttaIND0
20Gaurav Gambhir SonowalIND0
21Adhyayan GhoshIND0
22Arghyadiptya HalderIND0
23Kritagya JainIND0
24Priansh JainIND0
25Riyansh JainIND0
26Jyotishman KalitaIND0
27Dwipratim KashyapIND0
28Advika KaushikQAT0
29Priyanshi MajumdarIND0
30Prayash MajumderIND0
31Jyotirmoy Malla BujarbaruahIND0
32Shweta MazumderIND0
33Reyansh NagIND0
34Diya NandyIND0
35Rivaan PahariaIND0
36Dorothy PatgiriIND0
37Nilav PatowaryIND0
38Ayush PaulIND0
39Utkrist PaulIND0
40Krihan PoddarIND0
41Shivay PoddarIND0
42Medhansh Prehaan DekaIND0
43Kaushik RayIND0
44Bikiron Roy ChoudhuryIND0
45Devraj SarmaIND0
46Ayush SenIND0
47Swagat SharmaIND0
48Priyangshu SoudIND0
49Yuhaan SurekaIND0
50Aaradhya TalukdarIND0
51Tanuj TalukderIND0
52Arib Yasir RahmanIND0