Tournoi interne Bois-Gentil 2025 Catégorie B

最后更新11.03.2025 09:50:19, 创建者/最新上传: Fédération Genevoise des Echecs

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3 轮后名次(6 results missing)

名次SNo姓名国内等级分 TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Bujard Didier1646202,002
26Mach Lucien01,501,251
35Crnojlovic Vojislav17851,500,751
41Leidner Stéphane1706101,001
3Belet Yves1763101,001
11Domergue Mathias0101,001
12Al Kassar Feras1854101,001
87Horn Claude1732100,501
910Labarthe Simon0100,001
108Mbambi-Ngoma Alphonse16100,500,750
9Bertolotto Aurélien00,500,750
124Fluckiger Benoit1776000,000

TB1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
TB2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
TB3: Number of wins including byes (WIN) (Forfeited games count)