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Viswanath U14 Chess Tournament at Karimnagar on (05th Jan 2025)

Senast uppdaterad05.01.2025 12:54:53, Creator/Last Upload: B S Chess Academy

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1Aman, Ram Balasankula429024269IND1500
2Eega, Shiva Chaithanya429021871IND1457
3Kummari, Sadana25985701IND1416
4Ahmed bin Abdullah,IND0
5B, Charan,IND0
6B, Shiva Sai Aditya,IND0
7Ch. Samarth,IND0
8G. Abjayoth,IND0
9J. Santosh,IND0
10M Prasanna Laxmi,IND0
11M. Sreeshanth,IND0
12T. Maanvi,IND0
13V. Harshith,IND0