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Viswanath Open Chess Tournament at (05th Jan 2025) Contact : 9030177607

Senast uppdaterad05.01.2025 13:16:19, Creator/Last Upload: B S Chess Academy

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1Vishwanath, Kannam46664750IND1715
2Samarateja, K35010166IND1701
3Thirupatha, Chary Pusala25747258IND1606
4Srinivas, Lokoju429071313IND1563
5Jaanvi, Thota88196950IND1562
6Shankar, Kopparthy25675893IND1516
7Chittumalla, Kashyap429023963IND1487
8Manindra, Bollam25989197IND1481
9A Sriman,IND0
10B Rishikesh,IND0
11G Karthikeya,IND0
12G. Srikanth,IND0
13Preeth, Pal Singh Sardar429022029IND0
14Srinivas KONDLA,IND0