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Posledná aktualizácia 22.12.2024 05:45:05, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ CON PROPÓSITO AC

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Štartová listina

1Galvez Villalva, Brian Emiliano5149819MEX1875Morelos
2Herrera, Alonso Isaac Emmanuel29631599MEX1799Morelos
3Cisneros, Arevalo FranciscoMEX1732Morelos
4Galvez, Villalva Kevin Gabriel29605652MEX1712Morelos
5Lopez, Cabrera Christian29626749MEX1687Morelos
6Barrera Garcia, Fernanda Guadalupe5183170MEX1646Morelos
7Fuentes, Amaro Edgar EduardoMEX1645Morelos
8Barba, Carballo RobertoMEX1634Morelos
9Corona, Calvario Jose ArnulfoMEX1626Morelos
10Bollas, Vazquez SebastianMEX1624Morelos
11Sanchez Lopez, Rodrigo Amaury29631653MEX1620Morelos
12Vazquez, Sanchez Juan RamonMEX1600Morelos
13Torres, Neri Gustavo GaelMEX1596Morelos
14Gil Hurtado, Raul29607566MEX1589Morelos
15Gomez, Cortes Eunice AbigailMEX1580Morelos
16Garcia, Galicia Cristian IsaacMEX1568Morelos
17Laisequilla, Llano FernandoMEX1559Morelos
18Cortes, Flores Jasiel JulenMEX1511Morelos
19Laisequilla, Pliego SantiagoMEX1503Morelos
20Alvarado Adorno, MargaritaMEX0Apatlaco Tec24
21Barba Elizalde, LauroMEX0Tlanepantla
22Barreto Urbina, EduardoMEX0Colegio Español
23Castillo Bonfil, Margarita AbigailMEX0Apatlaco Tec 24
24Chavez Monroy, MarcosMEX0Tecnologico ITC
25Guigni Flores, Evelyn SugeyMEX0Apatlaco
26Hernandez Perez, Braulio ErnestoMEX0Apatlaco Tec 24
27Maldonado Alcazar, CarlosMEX0Ayala
28Omar Anaya,MEX0Apatlaco Tec24
29Pineda Guzman, LuisMEX0
30Rojas Muciño, Milan AlexisMEX0Sec Cuautli
31Trejo Torres, IranMEX0El Peñon
32Victorino Galindo, SantiagoMEX0Colegio Español