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ukáž detaily turnaja
II Campeonato Estatal Abierto de Ajedrez Ritmo Rapido, Baja California 2024 ABIERTAPosledná aktualizácia 22.12.2024 02:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: Omar Ozuna Sanchez
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | FM | Gomez Quezada, Juan | 5100640 | MEX | 2183 |
2 | | Gonzalez Amezquita, Gustav | 5122651 | MEX | 2083 |
3 | | Hernandez Rendon, Carlos A | 5116856 | MEX | 2061 |
4 | | Rico Solis, Ricardo | 5134358 | MEX | 1980 |
5 | | Herrera Amador, Julio Cesar | 5137993 | MEX | 1949 |
6 | | Hernandez Tapiz, Rogelio | 5198224 | MEX | 1925 |
7 | | Perez Escamilla, Alexander Darien | 29625289 | MEX | 1853 |
8 | | Robles Sanchez, Fausto | 5112915 | MEX | 1825 |
9 | | Lunar Villaman, Sofia | 5141656 | MEX | 1555 |
10 | | Lopez, Santana Roberto | | MEX | 1407 |
11 | | Canal, Yorba Julian Enrique | | MEX | 1400 |