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Darrera actualització20.08.2013 00:35:40, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1IMAcosta Alejandro4400089BOG2308
2CMValle Efrain4401387BOG2209
3Lozano Nestor Favian4412672CUN2145Juego De Reyes
4Lizarazo Arango Juan Carlos4402871BOG2084Cesag
5Rangel Carlos4404122BOG2070
6Guzman Campo Elias4403746CUN2054Club Juego De Reyes
7Ribero David Felipe4431294BOG2050Club Gestion Deportiva
8Motta Leon Gerardo4425332BOG2023
9Rodriguez Correa Enrique4404130BOG1996Club Mentes Activas
10Borbon Oscar4417674BOG1974
11Manrique Fernando4417844BOG1965
12Piraquive Alberto4428676CUN1944
13Prado Leonardo4404092BOG1938
14Buitrago Bernardo4434870CUN1871Paralimpico
15Contreras R Wilson Mauricio4426886BOG1844
16Castellanos Rodriguez Camilo4434625BOG1841
17Bohorquez Pulgarin Samuel Dav4430484BOG1794Club Iparm U. Nal
18Ribero Guillermo Andres4423208BOG1777Club Gestion Deportiva
19Gomez Juan Andres4408403BOG1755Sicoopweb
20Penas Burgos Nestor4411420BOG1752
21Cuellar Jose Gabriel4431260CUN1731Club Ases De Sopo (paralimpico
22Rosero Hugo Alberto4410769BOG1691
23Bohorquez Jorge4432401ANT1612
24Prada Diogenes4415663BOG1891
25Ruiz Alexander4443993BOG1820
26Molina Angel4444426CAS1781
27Ramirez Alexis4443977BOG1697
28Bautista German4444434BOG1658
29Bautista Chiquillo Leidy4435737BOG1600Discapacitado Visual
30Cardenas Gamboa Alejandro4443934BOG1600
31Duarte Daniel4433670BOG1600
32Reyes Aristizabal Andres4441354BOG1597
33Barahona Botache German Santi4428722CAQ1589
34Peralta Gonzalez Javier Herna4435168CUN1583Paralimpico
35Becerra Fonseca Camila4433289BOG1505Club Guecha Ata Quota
36Ortega Carretero Jose4444418BOG0