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Jogos Internos 2024 IFRN Campus Central (Superior)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.12.2024 17:33:59, Creator/Last Upload: Jussier Cabral Mesquita

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1Oliveira, Kleonilson Dos Santos602631BRA1831Natal-Rn
2De Souza, Eduardo Ferreira Carvalho607696BRA1816Natal-Rn
3Da Silva, Radmila Gama241554BRA1800Natal-Rn
4Do Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo Araujo614548BRA1800Natal-Rn
5Gomes, Pablo Boaz Ribeiro614550BRA1800Fortaleza-Ce
6Moreira, Jose Guilherme Bezerra614549BRA1800Natal-Rn