Нота: Како би смањили рад сервера дневним уносом свих линкова на претраживача попут Гоогле-а, Иахоо-а и Цо-а, сви линкови за турнире старије од две недеље (време завршетка турнира) приказати ће се након клика на следећу тастер:

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Reporting Time 08:15 AM, 1st Round starts at 09:15 AM

National Progressive School's Confrence Chess-Mate Under - 14 Girl's Chess Tournament Zone 4 South

Последња измена21.12.2024 07:34:01, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Коначни поредак након 4 Кола

МјСНоЕкипаПартије   +    =    -  ТБ1  ТБ2  ТБ3 
110Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls43016210,5
22Amity International School Saket4301609,5
35Bluebells School International4211538,5
44Birla Vidya Niketan42115210,5
59Modern School Vasant Vihar42115110
67Delhi Public School R.K Puram42024010
71Springdales School Dhaula Kuan4112308
86Delhi Police Public School4103205
98KR Mangalam World School GK-23102204
103Army Public School Shankar Vihar3003102

Тие Бреак1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Тие Бреак2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Тие Бреак3: points (game-points)