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Airforce Commander Women Section

Seinast dagført22.12.2024 17:57:58, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1WCMBwalya Mulwale, Lubuuto8706964ZAM1906
2WFMMbatha, Constance8700591ZAM1849
3Khoa, Lutopu15205657NAM1746
4Likando, Namakau8714029ZAM1737
5Mwale, Naomi8703299ZAM1735
6Niza, Chilingwe8708614ZAM1657
7Soko, Whana JeanZAM1642
8Bwalya, Margret8727821ZAM1614
9Mweetwa, Victoria8723060ZAM1613
10Sauti, Nilla8719195ZAM1604
11Namwai, Alinuswe V8726213ZAM1603
12Chitula, Agatha8714630ZAM1596
13Chemba, Joana8726965ZAM1551
14Kawesha, Innocentia8710589ZAM1531
15WCMNshikokola, Zangowanachipwila8709700ZAM1438
16Banda, Mary8729603ZAM0
17Lwando, Ella BupeZAM0
18Munthali, Rhaidah8724717ZAM0
19Musonda, Tezel Kabwe8729514ZAM0
20Namaanza, NtandaZAM0
21Nduba, NamaanzaZAM0