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PSC - NCFP Women's Selection Chess Championship Grand Finals

Darrera actualització21.12.2024 12:23:24, Creador/Darrera càrrega: IARedenACruz

Llista del rànquing inicial

1WFMMejia, Cherry Ann5206880PHI1970
9WFMClaros, April Joy5238447PHI1953
6Magpily, Francois Marie5216257PHI1894
5Derotas, Vic Glysen5216290PHI1893
8Largo, Franchesca5232490PHI1883
4Sebastian, Mhage Gerriahlou5217962PHI1877
2Umayan, Samantha Babol5229880PHI1858
10AFMLuna, Divine Grace5232554PHI1776
7Rueda, Joyce Rianna521004935PHI1753
3Ordizo, Kate Nicole5264022PHI1750