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Liga Chessland Academy 2024-2025 Torneo 15/12/2024Վերջին արդիացում15.12.2024 19:51:01, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | Name | Rtg |
1 | Saavedra Tapia, Jesus Alexander | 1820 |
2 | Macias Gonzalez, Luis Mariano | 1779 |
3 | Ramirez Rivera, Paris Gael | 1593 |
4 | Lopez Virgen, Rolando Matias | 1588 |
5 | Carrillo Lopez, Thiago Andre | 1538 |
6 | Perez Perez, Matias | 1451 |
7 | Figueroa Lepe, Daniela | 1439 |
8 | Solis Zaragoza, Jesus Heriberto | 1408 |
9 | Villagrana Correa, Luis Fernando | 1373 |
10 | Lopez Ortiz, Alan Emanuel | 1336 |
11 | Molina Hernandez, Angel David | 1295 |
12 | Saavedra Tapia, Emily Natalia | 1246 |