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Intellektin nuorten turnaus, 15.12.2024, C-ryhmä

Last update 15.12.2024 14:35:53, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Starting rank

1Golovanov, ViktorFIN1294Norppa
2Järvelä, Helmi520160FIN1263TuTS
3Linnala, EsaFIN1219Int
4Simmul, EmiliaFIN1193Int
5Raja, Justin Prince523380FIN1189MatSK
6Vaskelainen, TheodorFIN1154Int
7Moga, LeonardoFIN1149Chess Galaxy
8Linnala, ReinoFIN1128Int
9Järvelä, HillaFIN1082TuTS
10Linnala, AlvarFIN1051Int
11Tukach, MihaelFIN0Intellekt
12Zhorov, TimurFIN0Intellekt