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Aprendamos Ajedrez FIDE Rapid Terraza Urbana Torneo del Pavo RapidoՎերջին արդիացում16.12.2024 17:50:10, Creator/Last Upload: fenixvarcor
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Խ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Chavez Canizal, Erik | 29678080 | MEX | 1749 | Libre | |
2 | | | Ventura Paredes, Axel Gabriel | 29643635 | MEX | 1705 | Libre | |
3 | | | Cervantes Martinez, Eric | 5102030 | MEX | 1665 | Libre | |
4 | | | Nava Martinez, Hugo Jesus | 29622212 | MEX | 1620 | Libre | |
5 | | | Ferriz Roa, Ruy | 5151848 | MEX | 1610 | Libre | |
6 | | | Campos Gaspar, Jorge | 29650615 | MEX | 1585 | Libre | |
7 | | | Gomez Mendoza, Emmanuel | 29644780 | MEX | 1581 | Libre | |
8 | | AFM | Mazas Cervantes, Iker | 5187117 | MEX | 1541 | Libre | |
9 | | | Najera Reyna, Gabriela | 5173086 | MEX | 1513 | Libre | |
10 | | ACM | Forzan Guerrero, Mauricio | 5171946 | MEX | 1510 | Libre | |
11 | | | Yee Echandi, Mateo | 29650046 | MEX | 1490 | Infantil | |
12 | | | Yee Echandi, Luca | 29652707 | MEX | 1485 | Infantil | |
13 | | | Ambrosio Santos, Daniel | 29614171 | MEX | 1450 | Infantil | |
14 | | | Russek Colin, Brenda Monserrat | 5162890 | MEX | 1400 | Libre | Ciudad De Mexico |
15 | | | Ambrosio Santos, Almudena | 29664748 | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
16 | | | Castro Ponce, Matto Gael | 29664349 | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
17 | | | Duval Molina, Edgar | 5120608 | MEX | 0 | Libre | |
18 | | | Freyssiner Romero, Hector Samuel | 29640237 | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
19 | | | Freyssinier Munoz, Jose Arturo | | MEX | 0 | Libre | |
20 | | | Hernandez Granciano, Valentina | | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
21 | | | Martinez Saavedra, Oscar Alberto | 29669413 | MEX | 0 | Libre | |
22 | | | Oropeza Duenas, Joshua Iker | 29678129 | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
23 | | | Pavon Flores, Diego | | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
24 | | | Pavon Flores, Patricio | | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
25 | | | Rangel Garcia, Yago Damian | 29644801 | MEX | 0 | Infantil | |
26 | | | Solis Diaz, Eduardo Antonio | | MEX | 0 | Libre | |
27 | | | Whittard Jeffry, Martin | | MEX | 0 | Libre | |
28 | | | Zepeda Marroquin, Maximiliano | 29681600 | MEX | 0 | Libre | |