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Note :- Under 13 Category is on 14th December 2024, Reporting time is 2:00 pm,
For further details contact Mr. Rajesh Dhankher 8920925842

4th Study Isle Chess Tournament under 13

Last update 14.12.2024 13:20:55, Creator/Last Upload: Rajesh Dhankher

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Starting rank

1Aarav Gulia,FBD1531MVN 17
2Viraj Pandit,FBD1461MR 21
3Dev Pratap,FBD1459St. Joseph
4Divyansh Singh,FBD1432MVN 17
5Adhyansh Tandon,FBD0SNS
6Alyona Mohapatra,FBD0MVN 17
7Avyukt Lakhani,FBD0SNS
8Nivan Kukreja,FBD0SNS
9Sakshum Raja Kirpal,FBD0SNS
10Samar Gandhi,FBD0Shri Ram
11Trihaan Ahuja,FBD0MVN 17
12Utkarsh Rathi,FBD0DAv 14